Thursday, June 10, 2010

One of the GOOD Guys

Today I received an email from the President of California Living & Energy. He stated, "I am in this energy business and I believe it is oversold. There is a lot of well meaning tree huggers in this industry who have one foot in sand and the other on shakey data."

It was signed - Bill Lilly
California Living & Energy
3015 Dale Court
Ceres, California 95307
Saving the Environment one house at a time

I believe that Bill is one of the good guys as it relates to energy conservation!

His goal is like mine. Save Energy, but do it truthfully without bias and a lot of bogus claims.

Thanks Bill for taking the time to let your position be known.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

YouTube Video

I recently made a YouTube Video to promote my book "Home Energy Fraud, When GREEN is Oversold." My goal was also to deflect some critics remarks regarding why I did not build my home myself. These critics also questioned the book in a vague non-specific manner as to it's content.

It so happens that the content was verified and checked by their peers. That's right I wrote this book by first interviewing several RATERS and of course my brother is an expert on the Energy Star program as well as a LEED AP. His help during the process was invaluable.

. It will be sent out to a lot of people tomorrow. Go to and look for the link in the first paragraph. I hope you like it.

Thank you for your support. Hey Brian I could use a good review on Amazon!!