Thursday, July 15, 2010

Columbus C.E.O. Magazine

My letter to the editor was published in the August issue of Columbus C.E.O. Magazine entitled, "LEED Program is Another Sham." Not sure where the title came from?

I wrote - To the Editor:

Before you anoint the LEED program with saving the planet, you should be advised that Climate Gate and LEED have a lot in common. Both promote an agenda first.

In the book by Pay Murphy entitled "The Green Tragedy: LEED's Lost Decade," it is noted that the LEED Point System gives equal value for the use of a bicycle rack as it does an energy-efficient HVAC system. LEED buildings are not very energy-efficient over standard building code and cost considerably more.

Other green build programs such as Energy Star are also under attack for not being energy-efficient. When Energy Star pats themselves on the back yearly and publishes the amount of greenhouse gas emissions they have saved the planet, this is just an example of Climate Gate, Green Washing and pure politics for the sake of making someone money at the expense of a gullible public.

Bruce Wingfield

Editor's Note: Bruce Wingfield is the author of "Home Energy Fraud When GREEN is Oversold and runs and