Friday, February 19, 2010

Cap and Fraud the Politics of Energy

After reviewing a thread on named Cap and Trade: A License Required for your Home, I have the following comments:

1. I became a Realtor in 1976. As such my experience on certain subjects should be without challenge. A mandatory national retrofit in the name of saving the planet from greenhouse gases and furthering the political myth called Global Warming, will certainly kill Real Estate which is already on life support.

2. For those inspectors jumping for joy at the prospects of cashing in on this type of socialism, bear in mind your home equity will come crashing down. Your home will be worth nothing when average people are not able to spend the mandated dollars required to sell their home. Mr. Gary Farnsworth is correct in that the national foreclosure crisis will only worsen. And as a result all home equity will decrease in worth.

3. Energy should be held subject to the Free Market forces of our Capitalistic System. Not become a Cap and Fraud Political circus. After the Carter term of office and his socialist agenda, can anyone tell me how many solar panel manufacturers were in business. It was in the thousands!! Unfortunately without a proper payback they all went out of business except for a handful. Does anyone doubt the harm that ethanol has caused. First the cost of food went up; then to make matters worse the amount of pollutants to make ethanol is more than the amount anyone can save driving ethanol cars! Again this was engineered by politicians not free markets.

In conclusion, when politics and fraud become the dominant reason to do something we should all pause and think about the consequences. My particular home builder and his inspector committed fraud. It is more than just four inspectors making four different opinions all members of the same non-profit organization. This was much more than incompetency, this was a calculated plan to cheat the system. Energy Fraud exists all over the country, with story upon story of cheating. So this is more than just one home, one story, one complaint.

I will explain more in my book to be published on Amazon soon. The title will be "Home Energy Fraud" by Bruce Wingfield.

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